PowerSchool is a Student Information System the Diocese of Arlington uses to track student grades, attendance, enrollment, etc.
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is a feature of PowerSchool that provides parents/guardians immediate access to grades, assignments and attendance records in an effort to facilitate and improve communication between home and school.
Contact the office for assistance in setting up your PowerSchool Account as well as for username and password changes.
You can access the Parent Portal here, on the menu bar of the school website, and through the PowerSchool Mobile App.
The PowerSchool Parent Portal will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During the summer and around the end of each trimester, Parent Portal access will be limited so that staff can process enrollment information and finalize grades.
Our district code is RTCF – you will need this if you plan on using the PowerSchool Mobile App.
Yes, the system requires a Student Access Key for each child. The student access key, username, and password must be kept confidential by parents.
As long as you protect your password, only you and the school district employees associated with your child will be able to see your child’s grades.
Yes, you can access the PowerSchool Parent Portal from any computer with Internet access or through the PowerSchool Mobile App.
Did you sign-up for Email Notifications on the Email Notifications page? Please double check the email address you entered because if one character (letter/number/space) is off, you won’t receive emails.
Does your email program have a spam blocker that could be blocking the messages? If so, you will want to add the email address powerschool@arlingtondiocese.org to the list of “allowed” email addresses so PowerSchool emails can get through.
Did you check your email’s BULK or SPAM folder? Check to see if the messages are going there and choose to mark them as NOT SPAM. You will have to consult your email’s help menu or manual to learn how to do this as it is different for every email program.
Yes. Grades will be posted by the teacher. Remember, the teacher’s gradebook is a “snapshot in time” and not necessarily an accurate reflection of the student’s overall progress or performance. Similarly, the student’s grade average may change depending on the weight or value of graded work. Some teachers may choose to simply post an updated current average every couple of weeks while others will be posting individual assignments with due dates and descriptions.
Teachers need time to grade projects, assignments, and tests. Each day teachers are expected to have new material and lesson plans ready for class. With that in mind, teachers do need time to get the assignments graded. Please be patient because there are many factors that determine how soon a teacher can assess and return an assignment.
Each teacher has his or her own grading system. Some teachers calculate grades by total points while others weight the grades according to assignment categories (homework, quizzes, tests, etc.). Our teachers inform all of their students at the beginning of the course what their expectations and grading policy will be. To understand a specific grade calculation, please contact the teacher.
Talk with your child first. If you still have questions, please email your child’s teacher directly. Please understand that due to the nature of the position, most teachers have little time to respond to emails during the school day.
The Diocese of Arlington Office of Catholic Schools has provided this system as a convenience. Grades and other information provided by this system are not official records and may or may not be accurate. Neither this institution nor PowerSchool accepts any responsibility for information provided by this system and/or for any damages resulting from information provided by this system. For official grades and student records contact your school. We are working with our faculty to achieve consistency.